a Whatsapp Gateway for your business

WAPWAY is a service for your business to send and recieve Whatsapp Messages, Notifications, Scheduling Messages, Intregated Chatbots and more...

Sign-Up Contact Documentation



Get received messages, images and audio. Check pending messages. Get avaliable contacts.


Schedule messages to be sent at a specific Time. You can also specify a range of time when the messages can be delivered.

API Endpoints

Easily connect your application with our RESTful API. You can check here docs and examples.

Chat tool

A chat tool for all your employees interact with your public. You can create different users that can interact with your clients ,without needing additional numbers


Configurate an Autoreply message to greet your costumers

Downtime Notification

We will notify you if your Whatsapp stops working

How It Works

Create a parent User

Register a parent user and configurate the apropriate parameters for sending and receiving messages and notifications
Additionaly you can create a child user that can interact through chat with your costumers, givving you the ability to connect multiple employees with multiple costumers

Pair your device

Open Up your Whatsapp on your device and connect to Whatsapp Web, we will display you a QR code for you to read within your device. You can always turn it off or change the device that will be sending messages for you
Whenever the devices disconnect or run out of battery we will notify you. This device must be connect to internet to be able to send and receive messages.